What is the Australian partner visa process – advice from a spouse visa specialist Melbourne

As Melbourne spouse visa specialists, we always get asked questions about the Australian partner visa process. There is often confusion between the different visa subclasses, which ones to apply for and what the different processes are. The partner visa application process can be complex and time-consuming, and it is recommended that applicants seek the assistance of a spouse visa specialist in Melbourne, such as a registered migration agent to guide them through the process.

Melbourne city skyline view

What are the two types of partner visa’s

There are two types of partner visas:

Subclass 309/100 visa: This visa allows the applicant to enter Australia on a temporary basis (subclass 309) while their permanent partner visa (subclass 100) application is being processed. Subclass 309/100 is labelled the ‘offshore (apply overseas)’ partner visa. This stream is for applicants who are currently living overseas but would like to enter Australia to visit and live with their partner/spouse.

Meanwhile Subclass 820/801 is for applicants who are currently in the country and looking to live in Australia on a temporary basis. This is the ‘onshore’ partner visa stream. This visa allows the applicant to live in Australia on a temporary basis (subclass 820) while their permanent partner visa (subclass 801) application is being processed.


What is the purpose of the partner visa system?

The partner visa system is a process for a person who is in a genuine relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident to obtain a visa to enter or remain in Australia based on their relationship. The partner visa allows the applicant to live, work and study in Australia on a temporary or permanent basis.

To be eligible for a partner visa, the applicant and their partner must meet certain criteria, including:

  • The relationship (same or different sex) must be genuine and ongoing with the spouse or partner who is an Australian citizen, permanent resident, or New Zealand citizen.
  • Have your spouse or de-facto partner sponsor you.

Other eligibility criteria include not having a visa cancelled/ application refused previously, being the correct age, and meeting the health/ character requirements.


What is the partner visa process?

Compiling Documents:

The process for the partner visa begins by gathering all the required documents, these can include:

Identity documents

  • a national identity card,
  • proof of name change (if applicable)
  • passport
  • government/ court identification documents

 Evidence of your relationship

  • Marriage certificates (if applicable)
  • Provide evidence of de-facto relationship) (lease/ home ownership etc.)
  • Documents describing relationship history etc.

Supporting documents for any dependants you may have.

Character documents.

Compiling and organising these documents can be challenging. Enlisting the help of a registered migration agent and spouse visa specialist can help you streamline the application process.


Apply for the temporary visa

During this process applicants apply for both the temporary (subclass 820, or subclass 309) and permanent visa types, the temporary visa will be processed more quickly and allow you to live, work and study within Australia while the permanent partner visa is processed.

After the temporary visa is granted, you can travel to and from Australia an unlimited number of times, attend free English language classes provided by the Adult Migrant English Program, and apply for access to Medicare.


Application for permanent visa – two years later

Two years after the temporary visa is initially applied for, processing will begin for the subclass 801 or subclass 100 permanent partner visa. Upon approval, this makes the applicant a permanent resident and allows them to live, work and study within Australia indefinitely. Additional documents may be required so it’s important to consult with your Melbourne spouse visa specialist to accurate documentation.

Permanent residents have the capability of sponsoring family members to come to Australia and apply for Australian citizenship.


AIVS: spouse visa specialist Melbourne

Applying for a partner visa to enter Australia can be a complex and challenging process. At Australian Immigration & Visa Services – AIVS, our team of Melbourne spouse visa specialists are here to help with the process. If you require a partner/ spouse visa, we encourage you to seek the assistance one of our partner visa specialist in Melbourne today! Our team of experts will make sure the process operates as smoothly and hassle free as possible.

Contact us today via our website, or via phone: +61 430 534 697 for all your Australian Partner Visa needs!